Load bulk goods quickly and efficiently with minimal dust emissions

Load dry bulk goods efficiently onto ships with minimal impact on the environment. This is a major challenge for many port companies. With the mobile Bulkshooter, Meyland offers you a cost-efficient and ecological solution, fully adaptable to your specific needs and port capacity.

Boost your productivity

Need to load grain, iron ore, coal, bauxite, phosphates or maize? The Meyland Bulkshooter is designed to load almost every bulk material quickly into ships off all sizes. The robust bulkshooter can be set up on any quay and are resistant to inclement weather. With a flow capacity of up to 1000 tonnes per hour, depending on your supply line, you will see your export capacities growing considerably whilst saving precious time.

Reduce your impact on the environment

A large amount of dust is released when transhipping or stockpiling dry bulk goods. The dust particles raised pollute the air and water in the port, which is why governments all over the world impose measures on port companies to limit environmental pollution. The Meyland Bulkshooter minimizes dust emissions during loading with a simple but effective anti-dust system.

Modular design: adjustable and extendible

Many different bulk goods are imported and exported at international ports every day. Every company, every type of bulk goods and every port have different characteristics and a wide range of needs in terms of safety, infrastructure and transport.

That is why we find it important here at Meyland to design our Bulkshooters to suit each customer’s requirements. Thanks to our modular design process, we keep lead time low, so that you can start using your Bulkshooter without delay.

We always start with a standard shooter design. Depending on your wishes, we make adjustments and add features until the Bulkshooter perfectly fulfils all your needs.

Built locally to use internationally

Our experienced engineers and technicians design and build each Bulkshooter entirely in Belgium to begin with. After a series of extensive tests, the machines are dismantled, ready for shipping to their final destination.

standaard module


afmetingen aanvoerlijn


optionele kenmerken

Meyland Bulkshooter op maat

Minimal dust emissions

Various loading options

High safety

Fixed or mobile

Robust design

Fully customised

Suitable for all ports

Powerful control system

The installation is completely controlled by a PLC. Our team can monitor the installation at all times to prevent or resolve malfunctions. The monitoring can be done from outside.

In level

Our intelligent machine is equipped with sensors to measure the tilt. Level differences of up to 30 cm are automatically corrected, so that the machine is always level.

Wheel steering

The installation is equipped with 16 wheels, linked to 8 wheel axles. You can choose to
use two-wheel or four-wheel steering. Changing can be done quickly and easily via the provided software.

Wireless control

The entire machine can be operated by one operator. The Bulkshooter can therefore easily be controlled from the ship. Furthermore, only one person is necessary for moving.

1000 ton bulkgoederen per uur

uitschuifbare beladingsbalg

360° roterende uitwerpmond

uitschuifbare transportband

scharnierend bovenstel


As soon as the device has been stamped on the quay, unloading can begin. The extendable conveyor belt ensures that a ship can be reached as optimally as possible. The belt can extend 15 meters. Moreover, it can hinge 180°, 90° to the left and 90° to the right. A loading bellows is then brought to the correct height. The bellows can extend 10 meters. An ejector nozzle hangs at the bottom of the bellows. This can rotate 360° and accelerates the product, allowing the ship to be optimally filled, up to 6 meters further in the hold

Transport options

Can your Bulkshooter remain on the quay permanently? If so, a fixed Bulkshooter is ideal. But what if you need a movable hopper, for example to free up space on the quay when it is not in use? In that case, a mobile Bulkshooter is a better option.

Installation on rails

The entire installation is placed on steel rails that run parallel to the quay.

Air tyres

Do you need more freedom of movement? If so, we will mount your Bulkshooter on hydraulically driven and rotatable air tyres.

maximale flexibiliteit

2- of 4- wielaandrijving

eigen stroomvoorziening mogelijk

Are you also looking for a way to boost your productivity and reduce your impact on the environment?

We look forward to discussing with you how a Meyland Bulkshooter can help your company get ahead.

Meyland global

Where boundaries fade and efficiency knows no language.

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